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Shinrin-yoku - Forest bathing for development

Using our evolutionary history to move forward


Shinrin-yoku means forest bath in Japanese. The term was introduced in 1982 by the Japanese Forestry Agency and is summarized as a way to reduce stress and encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle

Professor Yoshifumi Miyazaki of Chiba University and Quing Li of Nippon Medical School are researching the health effects of forest bathing, which shows conclusively that forest bathing leads to lower cortisol levels, lower blood pressure and more white blood cells. Stress is reduced, the immune system is improved and there are even indications that the risk of cancer is reduced.

According to the Japanese researchers, the relaxation and health benefits of nature are due to the fact that humans have lived in nature for most of our evolutionary history. The essential oils released by many trees provide additional health benefits for the immune system.

A balanced body and brain combined with open minds provide opportunities to think outside the box and are optimal conditions for the development of your business

At Business Basecamp, we have extensive experience in helping management teams, boards and owner groups to increase creativity and efficiency by working outdoors. All our programs are individually tailored to your organization's needs and conditions. Contact us today for a discussion here.

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