Improve your skills in nature
Studies at the Universities of California and Michigan show that contact with nature increases people's abilities.

Researchers Marlis Magn and Terry Hartig of the University of California - Irvine, compared three groups of vacationing people. The group that took a trip to the wilderness showed significant improvement in proofreading skills, while those who went on a city vacation or took no vacation at all showed no improvement when given the same task.
According to findings published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers at the University of Michigan found that participants' memory and attention improved by 20 percent after just one hour of interaction with nature. Marc Berman, the psychologist who led the study commented: 'You don't have to enjoy your walk to get the benefits. We found the same results when it was 25 degrees and sunny in the summer as when the temperature dropped to minus 10 degrees in January. The only difference was that participants enjoyed their walks more in the spring and summer than in the dark winter."