Technology for adventure

Zap - Magic for mosquito bites

Removes itching and swelling instantly.


Removes itching and swelling instantly.

A Zap is a small device that effectively stops the itching and swelling caused by the bites of mosquitoes or other biting insects. According to the instructions, it should also work for jellyfish and stinging nettles, but I have never tried it.

A Zap contains no chemicals or batteries and is thus both ecological and safe for allergy sufferers. The device weighs only 12 grams and takes up no space whatsoever. The Zap comes under a few different brand names such as Zapper Click or Bite & Sting relief Click. However, they all have the same function and quality.

You hold the manikin against the bite area and click a few times. This releases histamine, which in turn causes the itching and swelling to stop or quickly disappear.

Normally you should avoid things that sound too good to be true, but in this case the little gadget works perfectly. Recommended for anyone moving around in mosquito-infested areas.

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