Technology for adventure

Esspresso in the wilderness

The Handpresso is a manual bicycle pump espresso machine that is easy to use and produces a perfectly good espresso.


You start by pumping up the pressure in the hand press to 15 bar, which is like pumping air into a bicycle tire. In the next step, you fill the container with hot water from the kitchen or your thermos and place a single-serving coffee pod in the holder. Finally, screw on the lid and press a button to let the water flow through the filter.

The machine makes really good coffee and even manages to get a nice crema on top. The coffee pod is E.S.E. standard and is available in a variety of brands. They are available in well-stocked grocery stores and there are of course even more varieties to buy online. The handpresso machine is also available in a variant for loose coffee so you can bring any ground espresso coffee or even better in a hybrid variant that works both for ground coffee and pods and therefore provides the greatest freedom of choice.

As an accessory there is a hard case perhaps more to protect other equipment than the machine itself, which is built to withstand the pressure and therefore also weighs 475 grams. Good coffee but perhaps more for traveling and basecamp and not for the ultra-light adventure.

Should we have coffee or go for a walk?

Being a leader can be lonely. A cup of coffee, a walk and someone to talk to can be a start.