Roslagsleden stage 9 Roslagsbro - Bagghus/Gåsvik, 25 km
The longest stage of the Roslagsled and perhaps the most comprehensive.
After Roslagsbro, the trail follows Brosjön. Near the trail you will find the bird tower at Brosjön, which is one of the county's finest bird lakes.
Between Brölunda and Vik, the trail passes Kvarnfallet, a waterfall where there was once a mill. In the valley below the road, there was a waterway down to Norrtäljeviken where the Viksbåten was found, a unique boat from the Viking Age, which can be seen at Erikskulle hembygdsgård, which is also close to the trail.
Between Vik and Råda the trail follows the old church path and there is a nice coffee shop in a barn at Tandrudan. The stage goes south of the nature reserve east of Rådasjön and ends at Bagghusbron near Gåsvik where the Väddö canal begins.